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Ibex Documentation

Ibex Manual

The Ibex manual is here

Understanding XML namespaces

This is an article about how XML namespaces work and how to use them in conjunction with Ibex PDF Creator

A Simple Example C# Program

The hello world example shows how to call Ibex from a C# program and create a PDF file from XML and XSL files.

Table creation

The table creation example has information on creating tables using Ibex, including repeating headers and footers.

Creating crop marks

The crop marks example shows to create crop marks using SVG.

Creating different headers on the first page

The different headers example shows how to create different headers or footers on the first page of a document.

Using Ibex runtime keys

This page describes how to embed your license runtime key into your application.

Using Right to left text

This page describes right to left text support in Ibex for use with Arabic text

Creating a table of contents

The creating a table of contents example describes to create a table of contents looking like this:

Reporting progress during PDF creation

Ibex supports a callback mechanism described here which can be used to report the %completed as the PDF file is created.

Using the Ibex command line tool

This page details command line options for the ibex40.exe program.

Compliance with the XSL 1.1 standard

The compliance table details the compliance of Ibex PDF Creator with the XSL 1.1 Standard.