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This chapter details Ibex-specific extensions to the XSL-FO XML to support creation of PDF files which conform to the PDF/X standard.

Ibex implements the PDF/X standard using the ibex:pfdx element as shown in Figure 22-1.

<fo:root xmlns=""

<ibex:pdfx color-profile-file-name="WideGamutRGB.icc"/>


Figure 22-1: PDF/X

The Ibex extensions have a namespace which is specified using the xmlns attribute as shown above. The ibex:pdfx element must occur before any output is generated.

Using the ibex:pdfx element will automatically set the document color space to CMYK.

The existence of the ibex:pdfx element causes Ibex to create a PDF/X compatible PDF file. The field Settings.PDFXMode used in earlier releases has been removed.

The attributes of the ibex:pdfx element are:

color-profile-file-nameFull or relative path to a ICC color profile file
registry-nameRegistry Name used in the PDF OutputIntents structure. If not specified this defaults to "".
infoOptional text which will become the Info value in the first OutputIntents array entry.
output-condition-identifierOptional text which will become the OutputConditionIdentifier value in the first OutputIntents array entry. This defaults to "Custom"
output-conditionOptional text which will become the OutputCondition value in the first OutputIntents array entry. This defaults to "Custom". Acrobat proposes values such as "TR001 SWOP/CGATS".

The color profile is read from the specified ICC file, compressed, and embedded in the PDF file.

Media box

The MediaBox size within the PDF file will be set to the size of the page as specified on the simple-page-master for that page.

Bleed box

The BleedBox size defaults to the MediaBox size. The BleedBox can be specified as a change from the MediaBox by specifying the ibex:bleed-width attribute on the simple-page-master.

This attribute specifies the distance by which the BleedBox is smaller than the MediaBox as shown in Figure 22-2.

<fo:simple-page-master page-height="313mm" page-width="226mm" master-name="page" ibex:bleed-width="3mm">

Figure 22-2: Setting the bleed box size

If one value is used it applies to all sides of the page, if two values are used the top and bottom edges use the first value and the left and right edges use the second. If there are three values the top is set to the first value, the sides are set to the second value, and the bottom is set to the third value. If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom and left edges in that order.

The following attributes can be specified to set each side explicitly: bleed-top-width, bleed-bottom-width, bleed-right-width, bleed-left-width.

Trim box

The TrimBox size defaults to the BleedBox size. The TrimBox can be specified as a change from the BleedBox by specifying the ibex:trim-width attribute on the simple-page-master.
This attribute specifies the distance by which the TrimBox is smaller than the BleedBox as shown in Figure 22-3.

<fo:simple-page-master page-height="313mm" page-width="226mm" master-name="page" ibex:trim-width="3mm">

Figure 22-3: Setting the trim box size

If one value is used it applies to all sides of the page, if two values are used the top and bottom edges use the first value and the left and right edges use the second. If there are three values the top is set to the first value, the sides are set to the second value, and the bottom is set to the third value. If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom and left edges in that order.

The following attributes can be specified to set each side explicitly: trim-top-width, trim-bottom-width, trim-right-width, trim-left-width.


Overprint mode can be enabled for the entire page by specifying the ibex:ibex-overprint-stroking, ibex:overprint-nonstroking and ibex:overprint-mode attributes as shown in Figure 22-4.

<fo:simple-page-master page-height="313mm" page-width="226mm" master-name="page"
ibex:overprint-nonstroking="true" ibex:overprint-mode="1">

Figure 22-4: Setting the overprint mode